This pastry machine has been conceived on the idea to offer the old concept of pastry refiner in a modern and more technological style, by adding some mechanical and electrical innovations and make-up by new materials. The pastry Refiner TEKNO STAMAP has been studied in order to help all those pastry chefs who want to reach a traditional and upon-time aroma, essences and perfumes that that may keep their intensity and fragrance and conserve the freshness of an hand-made product and so different from an industrial product. The refiner machine, as it is well known, has the task of refining or to chop and reduce in finer grains different types of products such as: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds and pepper and other spices. It might also have, in some cases, applications on refining pigments for cosmetic and decorative Industries.By the way, we do not have to forget that the Tekno Stamap technology and know-how allow us to propose in the market a steady, efficient and reliable machine.


This machine emerged from the desire to repropose older refiners in a modern style, with the addition of technical and material improvements and innovations.


Stainless steel upper tank and mesh, 2 stainless steel lower tanks, epoxy paint (no lead, solvents, compliant with food standards), synthetic resins, non-toxic paint, 304 stainless steel, cylinders made from porphyry conglomerate, extremely hard and resistant. All parts that come into contact with the product are suitable for food use.


Oil bath gears, all mechanical parts mounted on ball bearings, head made of cast aluminium for food use.


Frontal controls, the machine can be placed alongside other machinery, fridges or against a wall.


Machine raised 11 cm from the ground to make cleaning the underlying floor easier.

Dimension 690×570 (659 mm*) x 1183 mm
Weight 212 Kg
Motor power 1.5 kW
Cilinder Ø 140 mm**
*Bowls included
**Opening from 0 to 10 mm